Psalms: Then Sings My Soul

 For centuries, the Psalms have served as the hymnbook for the people of God. This collection of 150 songs has been read and sung through the years allowing the vast array of human emotions to be expressed. For, as John Calvin once noted, this book is “an anatomy of all parts of the soul.” As we look into the Psalms like a mirror, we better understand all the features of our soul and the God who made us.

For the past 3 months of my sabbatical, God has faithfully used the Psalms to speak to me, shape me, and revive me – teaching me valuable lessons about life, faith and my soul. It’s my hope and prayer that over the next few months in the Psalms, we will discover what our souls are actually craving, singing, and saying. And, that the things that God has awakened in me would be firstfruits for us all.
