We all constantly hope for something. Maybe we hope that it won’t rain, maybe we hope for this difficulty to pass, maybe we hope the lines at Costco aren’t too long, but the fact is that we all hope for something. Now as we continue on in the book of 1st Peter, Peter has been talking a lot about our hope. But he has not been talking about us hoping in Jesus, like we hope the weatherman is right. Rather the hope that we have is sure! We have complete hope – we know that God is going to do what he has promised because our hope is based on the unswerving unchanging God, and a hope like this changes how we live. So this week we will see that in this passage Peter transitions from talking about the glorious hope and salvation that we have to beginning to look at what the implications are. What we hope in changes how we live! We are made to find hope, we are made to place our hope in something, but what we hope in determines what we do with our minds, our actions, and our attitude. Where do you place your hope? Where does your mind turn when things go bad? When your mind/heart is on autopilot, where does it turn?