“People often ask, “What is Reality Church all about?”
In order to answer to that question, one must first ask, “What is the Gospel?””
What Is The Gospel
The gospel is not simply the means by which we are converted, the way we “get to heaven,” or the elementary basics that we move past. It is the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ that reconciles us to God and adopts us into his family. It transforms our hearts, shapes our ethics, pastors our souls and changes our behavior. It creates the Christian community and defines our purpose. The gospel is the word spoken to bring unbelievers to faith and to bring believers to maturity. The gospel saves us, subverts the powers of evil, sustains us, sanctifies us, satisfies us with joy and fulfillment, and sends us out with purpose into the world on mission. Christian community (the Church) is created by the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Glory of God.
Power of the Gospel
The Gospel is the good news that God sent his Son to redeem the world from the effects of sin and create a new humanity. Eventually the whole world will be renewed to the way God originally created it. Rebellion, death, decay, injustice, and suffering will all be removed. When everything is restored, God will be seen by all for who he truly is—he will be glorified. (Ephesians 2:10,14-22; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21; Revelation 21)
Purpose of the Gospel
Jesus helped clarify how we accomplish the purpose of the gospel by giving us his mission: “Go and make disciples”. (Matthew 28:19). As the arts, industry, politics, families—all areas of culture—are being filled with Jesus’ disciples bringing about his gospel restoration, the earth is being filled with his glory! That is the point of the restoration of all things—that God would be glorified! The gospel is not only about my individual happiness or God’s plan for my life. It is about God’s plan for the world!