Team Leaders
We have any amazing group of people who lead and serve among us. Each of these leaders help us to be a functioning community that grows in our love for Jesus, one-another, and our city. Along with that, some of these leaders help us to engage the mission of loving our city and neighbors, connecting the resources and gifts we have with the needs around us.
Mobile Church Team Lead
Bethany Bjorkland leads Reality
Reality Kids Team:
Annie Denning, Joy Deffinbaugh, Heather Mellinger, Megan Wilson: Reality Kids Team
Steve and Sarah Fuller Orphan Care and Disabilities Care
Eric Wilson Projectors and Tech Teams
Scott Eaton: Sound Team
Brook and Steven Elliot: Serve the City Team
Welcome Team Leaders: Sherry Wood, Judy O'Looney, Bill Cogswell and
Megan Bodeuatch Communication