What will be the same?
Our gathering time will remain at 10 AM. There will be live worship music, encouragement through the Bible and prayer and the sharing of God's continuing work in our lives.
What can I expect to be different?
It will be a shorter, outdoor gathering. Madison's building will only be open for bathroom use. No refreshments will be served. We will not be sharing in communion at this time.
What should I bring?
Lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on, your Bible, a pen/journal
Snacks for yourself or your kids
Your own coffee or water to drink
What about Reality Kids/Students?
There will not be Kids Ministry for Nursery, Pre-K, K-5 or Middle School. We will have clipboards with a work page/activity and colored pencils for PreK and K-3 kids. We will have journals for our Path students (4th and 5th) to take notes/draw. And we will have journals for middle schoolers to write in.
How is Reality preparing for re-gathering in person?
To comply with state guidelines, we are requiring everyone to:
Wear a face mask or covering (unless medical exception)
Use proper social distancing - sitting 6 feet from each other, unless in the same household
Avoid shaking hands/physical contact
Use hand sanitizer and wash hands frequently
Pre-screen yourself and your household before arriving for any signs of sickness (fever, cough, etc) and stay home if you feel ill.
Afterwards... Reality will clean and sanitize all common surfaces and shared objects.
What about those who cannot come?
We know and understand that there are those within our Reality community that are not ready or able to gather in person with us. For that reason, we will offer a live-stream of our gathering. It will also be available to listen to as a podcast or on our website afterwards.